Are you a sock knitter? What’s your favourite method? I started knitting and designing toe-up socks last year. And once I wrapped my mind around it, I am really happy with the technique.
The best part? For me definitely the cast on. I am using Judy’s Magic Cast-on. It looks so neat and I need no Kitchener stitches in the end.
So, dear reader, toe-up socks? Have you already knit them? Or is it a new technique for you? Let’s do it together. My knitting buddy and kindred spirit Alice aka @brezelbutter on Instagram and I are hosting a KAL for my flowery toe-ups socks. We want to keep it casual and stressfree – you will have to finish one sock until the end of May – so no pressure. We want you to have the possibility join and chat, even if you have 5 other projects on the needles ;-). Or if you are suffering from 2nd sock syndrome (we are sure, if you do, you will finish eventually).
Join the “Flowery TOE-UP Socks KAL”
Here is how it works:
- You can choose from all of my toe-up patterns, short, long, cables or lace – or both: Daffodilz, Liliez-of-the-Valley, Avokado, Walnutz, the vintage style sneaker socks Daisiez, Lilaks, or the non-flowery 😉 Memory and WildKables.
- All above-mentioned patterns will be available at a reduced price with code FlowerysockKAL – you will save 20% until May 15, 2017
- You can also join with Chili Vanilla which is a free pattern
- There will be yarn prizes, we will announce them next week
- I set up a thread in my Ravelry Groups for chatter, discussions and yarn show off
- Use Hashtag #flowerysockKAL on Instagram
- There will be a chatter free FO thread, too. Alice and I will draw a winner by end of May.
- I will also show off some of your FOs on my blog, if you allow me too, of course. Full credit granted
Are you in? Join us on Ravelry here! Or on Instagram with #FlowerySockKAL. Let’s have some fun together.
German Readers: Here is Alice’s lovely and chatty blog.